Thom attends Guantánamo Bay for the 9/11 trial

In September, Thom travelled to US Naval Station Guantánamo Bay at the invitation of the Department of Defense, on behalf of the Association of Defence Counsel practising before the International Courts and Tribunals (ADC-ICT), in order to attend the trial of the four individuals accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks.

The visit was part of an oversight programme aimed at ensuring the proceedings are held in compliance with US domestic and international human rights law. The trial is currently at a sensitive stage, following the surprise reversal by the US Secretary of Defense of a plea deal, which took the death penalty off the table for three of the remaining defendants.

Thom represents Met Police in high-profile misconduct case

A former Metropolitan Police officer described as a "sexual predator who used his position to take advantage of vulnerable women" has been found to have committed gross misconduct after pursuing inappropriate relationships with two vulnerable women who he met during welfare checks.

Former PC Philip Hunter previously worked in the Diplomatic Protection unit, the same unit as Wayne Couzens and David Carrick. The panel found he was a "planned and well-rehearsed sexual predator who used his position to take advantage of vulnerable women".

Thom Dyke represented the Metropolitan Police in the proceedings against Former PC Hunter. Thom is ranked in the Legal 500 for police law and is regularly instructed to advise and represent police forces in cases of gross misconduct.

BBC News:

Daily Mail:

Advocacy Training in South Africa

Thom was invited by the General Council of the Bar of South Africa and The Inns of Court College of Advocacy to deliver advocacy training to lawyers from across South Africa.

Thom was part of a group of international trainers, including advocates from Malaysia and Singapore, who joined the faculty of senior South African lawyers at the Mabula Game Lodge in the Waterberg region of the Limpopo Province.

Thom is an experienced advocacy trainer, and recently delivered training to the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) in The Hague.

Convictions for multiple attempted murders following violent rampage at Central Middlesex Hospital

On 21 June 2023, a maintenance worker at Central Middlesex Hospital, named Matteo Bottarelli, carried out a spree of unprovoked and savage attacks against his colleagues.

The violence began when Bottarelli armed himself with a mattock – a tool similar to a large pickaxe. He was seen on CCTV approaching his first victim from behind, with the mattock raised above his head, ready to strike. Fortunately, the victim turned around, causing Bottarelli to pause before running off to the staff canteen.

On arriving at the canteen Bottarelli put the mattock down and approached his second victim from behind. He pulled the victim’s head back and cut his throat with a surgical scalpel.

Bottarelli then went up to an office on the first floor of the hospital, where he found his line manager. He struck him to the skull at least twice with the mattock, causing multiple skull fractures and resulting in the herniation of the brain through the fracture site.

At his trial Bottarelli was convicted of two counts of attempted murder and one count of attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent. Sentencing was adjourned until 30 April 2024.

Thom Dyke, led by Sean Larkin KC of QEB Hollis Whiteman, acted on behalf of the Crown Prosecution Service.

Press Coverage: Daily Mail, BBC News, Independent, and The Guardian.

Firearms and drugs conspirators sentenced to 35 years’ imprisonment

Members of a sophisticated organised criminal gang, responsible for the large-scale supply of crack cocaine and heroin in North London whilst armed with a range of lethal firearms, have been given sentences totally 35 years’ imprisonment.

The gang was prosecuted by Thom Dyke, leading Laura Hibberd, in a four-week trial at Isleworth Crown Court.

The ringleader of the gang received a sentence of nearly fifteen years’ imprisonment, whilst two of his trusted lieutenants received sentences of nine years. A fourth member was sentenced to just over three years for his involvement.

Thom gives advocacy training at the International Criminal Court

Thom was recently invited to deliver advocacy training to the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) in The Hague, together with other trainers from Inner Temple. The training included talks on best practice for conducting both examination-in-chief and cross-examination before international criminal tribunals.

In addition to being an advocacy trainer with the Inner Temple, Thom is a member of both the International Criminal Court’s List of Counsel and the United Nations International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (the ‘Rule 43’ List).

Success in High Court appeal

SP was charged with multiple counts of rape and assault against the complainant. He had previously been accused by two other complainants of similar sexual and violent offences and had gone on the run from police in 2021 for nearly four months.

Despite the significant danger posed by SP, he was granted bail by the Crown Court. Thom represented the Crown Prosecution Service in bringing a successful appeal to the High Court against the decision (CPS v SP [2023] EWHC 3239 (KB)).

In his judgment, Mr Justice Martin Spencer accepted Thom’s submissions as to the risk that SP would commit further offences and interfere with witnesses, were he to be granted bail.

The decision of the Crown Court was quashed, and SP was remanded into custody to await his trial.

Thom interviewed by the BBC on proposals to sack rogue police officers

Thom was interviewed by the BBC for Radio 4’s World in Action, on the request by Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley for increased powers to sack rogue police officers.

The interview can be heard here (starting at 10.53).

Thom is regularly instructed to advise and represent police forces in cases of police misconduct, including appeals to the PAT and judicial review, as well as all other areas of police law. For more details, click here.

Thom Dyke / BBC Radio 4
Thom Dyke interviewed by the BBC on proposals to sack rogue police officers
0:00 / 0:00

Thom secures convictions in first ever modern slavery fraud case

After a three-week trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court, Thom Dyke, led by Claire Harden-Frost, have secured convictions in the first ever prosecution brought under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to involve trafficking victims for the purposes of carrying out fraud.

Nearly thirty vulnerable young girls were physically and sexually exploited by a gang led by Isaiah Olugosi. The fraud targeted retailers including Boots and Tesco and netted the gang over half a million pounds, which was spent on luxury items and holidays.

Sentencing for Isaiah Olugosi, Holly Chapman, Baran Karamagara and Eva Dambrauskaite was adjourned until April.

Thom and Claire were instructed by the CPS Complex Casework Unit.

Media Coverage

The Independent - Dozens of teenage girls trafficked and exploited in first ever modern slavery fraud case

The Times - ‘Fagin’ used girls for county lines shoplifting spree

Daily Mail - Modern-day Fagin gang are jailed for trafficking DOZENS of young girls around the country for £500,000 county lines shoplifting spree

Thom invited to sign open letter urging UN to open query into Iran's 1988 killings

Thom was invited to sign an important open letter to the United Nations Human Rights Council, calling for an international inquiry into the 1988 massacre of thousands of political prisoners in Iran.

The letter was co-signed by some 460 people, including prominent former U.N. judges and investigators, a former president of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Sang-Hyun Song, and Stephen Rapp, a former U.S. ambassador for global criminal justice.

The letter calls on U.N. human rights boss Michelle Bachelet to investigate the 1988 "massacre" of political prisoners in Iran, including the alleged role of its current president, Ebrahim Raisi, at that time.

For more detail, please see press coverage from Reuters. The full text of the letter is available here, together with profiles of all the signatories.

Thom Dyke successfully prosecutes right-wing extremist who threatened politicians with “a white tsunami of hate and revenge”

Thom Dyke has successfully prosecuted a right-wing extremist who threatened politicians with “a white tsunami of hate and revenge”.

During 2019, Mr Thomas Thomas engaged in a sustained campaign of virulently racist, anti-Semitic, and violent abuse, in which he targeted a group of high-profile politicians with offensive and threatening emails.  These included the former leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Hilary Benn MP, and the then-Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow MP, as well as a journalist for The Guardian.

The jury heard that Mr Thomas was an active member of the neo-Nazi website Stormfront.  His emails threatened that “only the threat and implementation of violent revolt can change things for ordinary people”.  Mr Thomas went on to make reference to the terrorist attacks in New Zealand, saying that “a white tsunami of hate and revenge is on its way to Europe’s sacred shores…when it hits its gonna make Christchurch 2019 look like a chimps tea party”.

Mr Thomas was convicted by a jury at Snaresbrook Crown Court of five counts of sending electronic communications with intent to cause anxiety or distress.  Sentencing was adjourned until 17 January 2022.